IUT Energy and Environment Institute

A synergy of energy and environmental research spirit to co-create human surviving platform.

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Proposed activities of IEE IUT

1.IUT internal Research Collaboration: Involve the internal researchers of different departments of IUT with related project to EEC. In order to engage interested faculties from different departments, open call will be announced with relevant proposal. From each department, multiple faculties can join and contribute to the Centre.

2.IUT external Research Collaboration: Create opportunities for the external individual researchers to be involved with EEC. Expert researchers and faculties from other institutions can contact and join to the Centre as external researchers. They will join in different projects related to the scope of the Centre.

3.M.Sc. program related to Energy and Environment: Offering post graduate degrees specially MSc. Engineering in recent relevant fields from EEC. In order to do that, different new and demanding courses will be developed by its members such as IoT based Smart Energy, Smart Grid, Climate Changes. This will attract the students from corporate level as well.

4.Optional/Elective Course related to Energy and Environment for B.Sc: Offering optional courses in undergraduate programs such as and specialized courses in post graduate level.

5.Certificate/Trade courses: Offering Certificate/Trade courses to build skilled technical people in the field of energy and environment.

6.Training offered by EEC: Organize different training opportunities to adopt the latest energy technologies to the technical and vocational level among the member states

7.Build Energy and Environmental Centre (EEC) Lab: An Energy and Environmental Centre (EEC) Lab, will be built in order to attract new researchers to field of energy and environmental researches. Different demonstrations of various module of smart and basic renewable energy technologies need to be installed in EEC Lab in relation to the courses of different departments. IEE-LAB will also conduct fundamental experimental studies to explore in details about the new technologies and it's assessment using the resources of the Centre.

8.Consultancy Services: Offering consultancy service to Government and private level organization utilizing expert and relevant members of the Centre.

9.Applying different Research Grants: Utilizing the expert members, research grant will be applied to different bodies to enhance the research of the energy sectors

10.Negotiation with Bangladesh Government and OIC: Engagement of EEC with different Non-Government and Government bodies of host country, Bangladesh as well as the members states of OIC to flourish the efficient energy technologies to the development in national level and for the Muslim ummah.

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+88 02 9291 254-9 Ext. 3328