A synergy of energy and environmental research spirit to co-create human surviving platform.

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Vision of the Institute

The vision of the Institute of Energy and Environmental of Islamic University of Technology (IUT) is to build the institute of excellence of the state of the art energy related technologies and to serve as the central liaison for energy and environmental education, research, dissemination of innovation and technology at the University.

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About US

The Vision

A common platform to develop and research technologies for sustainable living

Our objective (Mission)

Carry out goal driven projects aimed at creating an efficient, economic and cleaner society for the global people.


Since restructuration in July 2017, IEE is walking boldly towards its vision with the following people and resources at its disposal.

Ongoing research projects

Research and Analysis in the field of IoT (Internet of Things), Smart Grids and Biofuels are some projects that are being conducted here at present.

The philosophy behind IEE

As per our Holy scripture, the Quran: it is is our solemn responsibility to protect the earth and its environment from which we obtain resources for living.

The logo of IEE

Combining science (The four most profound renewable energy sources) and religion (the divine golden ratio), we work keeping in mind the natural harmony.

Our activities

Research Work, Masters programs, trade courses, consultancy and specialized infrastructure are only some of the services that we provide here

Core values

Innovation, excellence, professionalism and teamwork are some of the many ideas that we embody at work

Prof. Dr. Ashik Ahmed


Institute of Energy and Environmental(IEE)

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To ask for any query contact us

+88 02 9291 254-9